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[10-16 11:23:24]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  四级听力   阅读:8434
概要:Whatever you decide,obtaining some form of health insurance is something you should consider before you go overseas. You shouldn't wait until you are sick with major medical bills to pay off.33.Why does the speaker advise overseas students to buy health insurance?34.What is the drawback of students' buying international travel insurance?35.What does the speaker say about students' getting health insurance in the country where they will study?3、

  Whatever you decide,obtaining some form of health insurance is something you should consider before you go overseas. You shouldn't wait until you are sick with major medical bills to pay off.

  33.Why does the speaker advise overseas students to buy health insurance?

  34.What is the drawback of students' buying international travel insurance?

  35.What does the speaker say about students' getting health insurance in the country where they will study?



  A 它使得他们能够享受最好的医疗待遇;

  B 它允许他们得到免费治疗;

  C 它保护他们免受财政危机(的侵扰);

  D 它预防医生们过度收费

  原文举例:In other words,you may have to pay all your medical expenses and then later submit your receipts to the insurance company.


  第四步 视听原文




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