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[10-16 11:23:24]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  四级听力   阅读:8755
概要:附:本次考题的参考答案1. C. She is not sure she can pass on the message.2. D. Hold the ladder for him.3. B. He’d like some coffee.4. C. He might get fired.5. A. Tony’s secretary.6. A. He was fined for running a red light.7. C. He finds reward more effective than punishment.8. B. At the dentist’s.9. B. He doesn’t agree with the woman’s remark.10. A. It was applaudable.11. B. Medical care.12. C. Her determination to fulfill her dream.13. B


  1. C. She is not sure she can pass on the message.

  2. D. Hold the ladder for him.

  3. B. He’d like some coffee.

  4. C. He might get fired.

  5. A. Tony’s secretary.

  6. A. He was fined for running a red light.

  7. C. He finds reward more effective than punishment.

  8. B. At the dentist’s.

  9. B. He doesn’t agree with the woman’s remark.

  10. A. It was applaudable.

  11. B. Medical care.

  12. C. Her determination to fulfill her dream.

  13. B. To help disabled children there.

  14. D. In a small village in Chile.

  15. A. By expanding their minds and horizons.

  16. D. She made outstanding contributions to children’s education.

  17. A. She won the 1945 Nobel Prize in Literature.

  18. C. How animals protect themselves against predators.

  19. B. Its plant-like appearance.

  20. A. It helps improve their safety.


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