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[10-16 11:23:24]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  四级词汇语法   阅读:8766
概要:13. It takes a lot of______ to put on a school play suchas King Lear.A. organization B. arrangement C. management D. preparation14. The police carried out a(n)______ search for the mising boy.A. complete B. entire C. thorough D. whole15. The ______ crown jewels are kept in the Tower of London.A. valued B. valueless C. invaluable D. usable16. Tom has been a vegetarian ______ principle for years.A. in B. on C. for

  13. It takes a lot of______ to put on a school play such

  as King Lear.

  A. organization B. arrangement 

  C. management    D. preparation

  14. The police carried out a(n)______ search for the mising boy.

  A. complete    B. entire   C. thorough    D. whole

  15. The ______ crown jewels are kept in the Tower of London.

  A. valued   B. valueless    C. invaluable    D. usable

  16. Tom has been a vegetarian ______ principle for years.

  A. in    B.  on   C. for    D. by

  17. When I got out of the car and walked about among them, ______

  one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer.

  A. see that B. except that   

  C.  provided that   D. except for

  18. ______ the water left in the kettle, the doctor put

  several things he unwrapped from a handkerchief.

  A. At B.  To C. Within D. Into

  19. I am ______ grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown my son.

  A. excessively    B. much    C. certainly    D. exceedingly

  20. The ______ of AIDS has led to an expansion in resear

  ch seeking a cure.

  A. innovation B. selection C. proliferation D. conviction

  21. I am sorry I have no time at present to ______ more

  detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.

  A. bring into    B. take into    C. come into   D. go into


  22. When the idea of winning in sports is carried to excess, ______

  competition can turn into disorder and violence.

  A. honestly B. honest C. honorable D. honorary

  23. Unless all the members agree to  ______ to the plan

  there may be further development in the course of action.

  A. tumble    B. stick C. come D. adjust

  24. You must pay import ______ on certain goods brought

  into this country.

  A. money B. fees  C. bills D. duties

  25. We expect Mr. White will ______ Class One when Miss

  Jane retires.

  A. take over B. take up  C. take off D. take to


  1.     B)

  「句意」 有证据表明,小至六个月的婴儿就能识别具体的声音。

  「难点」 evidence后面的同位语从句被全句的谓语动词came up隔开,同



  2.     C)

  「句意」 我比多数人更能理解员工们在最后期限的压力下所做的大量准备工作。

  「难点」 understand better than……意为“对…非常理解”。preparation是不可数名词,须用amount修饰,故选C)。

  3.     A)

  「句意」 我相信你的建议将有助于问题的解决。

  「难点」 contribute to意为“有助于,促成”,to是介词,所以后面应接名词或动名词,故选A)。

  4.     C)

  「句意」 1840年,露克里蒂安。莫特和伊丽莎白。凯蒂。斯坦顿因为他们的性别而没有得到伦敦世界废奴大会的席位,他们对此表示愤慨。

  「难点」 resent后接名词或动名词作宾语,根据句意的要求,应使用动名词的被动语态形式,故选C)。

  5.     B)

  「句意」 作为一个国家来说,美国将不再具有开拓西部前所具有的那种冒险精神。

  「难点」 从意义来看,空格应填had,但主句中have是实义动词,为避免重复,可用助动词do替代,即用did替代had,故B)为答案。

  6.     C)

  「句意」 你本该把牛奶放到冰里。我想现在这牛奶不能喝了。

  「难点」 从句意分析,牛奶已经变质,不能喝了,属过去发生的动作对现在造成影响,再加上by now是现在完成时的典型时间状语,故选C)

  7.     B)

  「句意」 向他求助没用,他对别人的事总是漠不关心。

  「难点」 It is no good doing sth是一个常见的句型,意为“做…没用”,no good后面应接动名词形式。

  8.     B)

  「句意」 有些公司采用弹性工作时间制,更注重效率,而不是压力。

  「难点」 pressure和efficiency处于并列的位置,所以正确答案是B)。and more on efficiency,即more(emphasis) on efficiency.

  9.     B)

  「句意」 她总是把自己的药放到搁架上以免孩子错拿。

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