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[08-08 14:34:00]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  六级词汇语法   阅读:8662
概要:Lesson_1abolish vt.彻底废除,废止 Slavery was abolished in America after the Civil War in the 19th century. ;美国的奴隶制度是19世 纪时南北战争以后被废 止的. Some superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible. ;有些迷信做法应尽早取消 amend vt.修改,修订;改进 n.[p赔偿,赔罪 The UN Charter has been amended since World War Two ;经过二战以来的修订, betray vt.背叛,出卖;失信于 辜负;泄露(秘密等); (非故意地)暴露,显露 A person who betrays his own country will be spurned by people. ;一个人背叛自己祖国的人 会为世人所唾弃. She betrayed her friends


  abolish vt.彻底废除,废止

  Slavery was abolished in America after the Civil War in the 19th century. ;美国的奴隶制度是19世 纪时南北战争以后被废 止的.

  Some superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible. ;有些迷信做法应尽早取消

  amend vt.修改,修订;改进 n.[p赔偿,赔罪

  The UN Charter has been amended since World War Two ;经过二战以来的修订,  

  betray vt.背叛,出卖;失信于 辜负;泄露(秘密等); (非故意地)暴露,显露

  A person who betrays his own country will be spurned by people. ;一个人背叛自己祖国的人 会为世人所唾弃.

  She betrayed her friends by breaking her promises. ;她不遵守自己的诺言,因 而失信于她的朋友.

  It's illegal to betray government secrets. ;泄露政府秘密是犯法的.

  commence v.开始

  At what time will the opening ceremony commence? ;开幕式什么时候开始?

  conception n.思想,观念,概念; 构想,设想;怀孕

  Does the younger generation have a clear conception of what they want? ;年轻一代清楚他们到底想 要什么吗?

  Deng Xiaoping had a comprehensive conception ;邓小平有完整的构想

  as to how to build up socialism with Chinese characteristics. ;对于如何建设有中国特色 的社会主义.

  constrain vt.限制,约束; 克制,抑制

  Nowadays many species of wild animals are bound and constrained in the zoo, ;如今,很多野生动物都被 关在动物园的兽笼里

  and ridiculously,only in this way they can survive. ;荒唐的是,它们只有这 样才能生存下来.

  Many artists don't consider themselves ;许多艺术家认为他们不必

  constrained by the same rules of social conduct as other people. ;像一般人那样要受社会行 为准则的束缚.

  deduce vt.推论,推断,演绎

  Einstein tried to deduce the operating principle of the toy purely by reasoning, ;爱因斯坦想通过纯粹的推 理来推断出这个玩具的工 作原理,

  but he was in vain. ;但却徒劳无功.

  dilemma n.(进退两难)窘境,困境

  The dilemma a doctor often faces is ;医生经常面临这样的困境

  whether he should tell the truth to the patient or not. ;应不应该将实情告诉病 人.

  doubtless a.无疑的,肯定的

  It's almost doubtless that the Chinese Soccer Team will qualify for ;几乎无庸置疑,中国足 球队将能够进军

  the final tournament of the World Cup to be held in Japan and Korea. ;日韩世界杯决赛阶段的 比赛.

  enthusiastic a.满腔热情地,热心的, 极感兴趣的

  We are really don't see why the superpower is so enthusiastic over the NMD. ;我们真搞不懂为什么这个 超级大国那么热衷于搞 “国家导弹防御系统”.

  extinguish vt.熄灭,扑灭; 使消失,使破灭

  The fire was finally extinguished by the firemen. ;大火终于被消防队员们 扑灭了.

  His fire of life was extinguished bit by bit by the onset of the lovesickness. ;他的生命之火在相思病魔 的摧残下终于一点一点地 暗淡下去.

  formidable a.可怕的,令人生畏的; 难以克服的,难对付的

  With her management skills and his marketing experts, ;她娴熟的管理技巧加上他 超凡的市场才华,

  they make a formidable combination. ;使他们双剑合璧, 所向披靡.

  He's conscious that he was a formidable rival in this field. ;他清醒地意识到,在这个 领域他遇到了一个难缠的 对手.

  hinder vt.阻碍,妨碍

  You are hindering me in my work by talking all the time. ;你在这儿说个不停,妨碍 了我干活.

  imaginative a.富有想象力的, 爱想象的

  A scientist,as well as a writer,must be creative and imaginative. ;科学家和作家一样必须富 于创造力与想象力.

  indulge vi.(~in)沉溺,纵容自己 vt.使自己沉湎于,满足 (自己的欲望等);纵容

  Those who always indulge themselves in delights of leisure will amount to nothing ;一味的贪图安逸享受的人 到头来会一事无成.

  The bitter taste of disappointed love made him indulge in his own daydreams. ;苦涩的失恋滋味使他成天 沉浸在自己编织的梦幻 之中.

  intensify vt.(使)增强,(使)加剧

  To prevent the hoolig- ans from England and Germany making trouble during the World Cup, ;在世界杯举办期间,为预 防英国和德国的足球流氓 搞事,

  they have intensified the police patrols along the streets and in the bowls. ;他们调集了大批警力加强 对街道及体育场的巡查.

  irritate vt.使恼怒,使烦躁; 使(身体某部位)不适, 使疼痛

  His disloyalty irritated his wife,who resolutely left home. ;他的不忠激怒了他的妻子 她毅然决然的离开了这 个家.

  manifest a.明显的,显然的,明了的 vt.显示,表明;证明; 使显露,使显现

  This is something manifest to all of us. ;这是我们大家都很清楚 的事情.

  The contradiction has manifested itself in the employment situation ;就业问题上的矛盾 日益突出

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