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[10-16 11:23:24]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  雅思写作   阅读:8392
概要:考试日期:2010.1.23书信作文书信种类投诉询问书信instructionThe telephone company has mailed the telephone bill to the wrong address. Write to the telephone company, you should:1. tell them how you find the problem out.2. what problems caused you by not receiving the phone bill3. tell them what you want them to do议论文话题类别社会类考题文字:Many people are moving to big cities. Why is that? Do you think it is a good trend?本次写作考试点评:书信为投诉信,要求设计相关细节。投诉信较常见,在授课中也是重点科目。大作文为社会类考题,除了讲述原因外还应从两方面分析

考试日期: 2010.1.23 书信作文 书信种类 投诉询问 书信instruction The telephone company has mailed the telephone bill to the wrong address. Write to the telephone company, you should:
1. tell them how you find the problem out.
2. what problems caused you by not receiving the phone bill
3. tell them what you want them to do 议论文 话题类别 社会类 考题文字: Many people are moving to big cities. Why is that? Do you think it is a good trend? 本次写作考试点评:
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