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全都自己干 All by Myself

[08-08 13:35:39]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  少儿英语游戏   阅读:8403
概要:There are things I can do, All by myself.(point to self)I can comb my hair and fasten my shoe,(point to hair and shoe)All by myself.(point to self)I can wash my hands and wash my face,(pretend to wash)All by myself.(point to self)I can put my toys and blocks in place,(pretend to put things away)All by myself.(point to self)Theme Connections Cleanup Parts of the Body Self-esteem 这些活儿我能自己干,全都自己干。(指自己)自己梳头系XIE带,(指头发和XIE)全都自己干。(指自己)自己洗手还有脸,(假装洗脸和手)全都自己干。(指自己)放
全都自己干 All by Myself,标签:少儿英语游戏flash,少儿英语课堂游戏,http://www.xuehuiba.com

  There are things I can do, All by myself.(point to self)

  I can comb my hair and fasten my shoe,(point to hair and shoe)

  All by myself.(point to self)

  I can wash my hands and wash my face,(pretend to wash)

  All by myself.(point to self)

  I can put my toys and blocks in place,(pretend to put things away)

  All by myself.(point to self)

  Theme Connections Cleanup Parts of the Body Self-esteem 这些活儿我能自己干,全都自己干。












Tag:少儿英语游戏少儿英语游戏flash,少儿英语课堂游戏外语培训 外语学习 - 少儿英语 - 少儿英语游戏
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