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[08-08 11:18:10]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  英语导游词   阅读:8398
概要:"Notts," as Nottinghamshire is known, lies in the heart of the East Midlands. Its towns are rich in folklore or have bustling markets. Many famous people have come from Nottingham, notably those 13th-century outlaws from Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood and his Merry Men. It also was home to the romantic poet Lord Byron; you can visit his ancestral home at Newstead Abbey. D. H. Lawrence, author of Sons and Lovers and Lady Chatterley's Lover, was b

  "Notts," as Nottinghamshire is known, lies in the heart of the East Midlands. Its towns are rich in folklore or have bustling markets. Many famous people have come from Nottingham, notably those 13th-century outlaws from Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood and his Merry Men. It also was home to the romantic poet Lord Byron; you can visit his ancestral home at Newstead Abbey. D. H. Lawrence, author of Sons and Lovers and Lady Chatterley's Lover, was born in a tiny miner's cottage in Eastwood, which he later immortalized in his writings.

  195km (121 miles) N of London; 116km (72 miles) SE of Manchester

  Though an industrial center, Nottingham is a good base for exploring Sherwood Forest and the rest of the shire. Nottingham is known to literary buffs for its association with author D. H. Lawrence and its medieval sheriff, who played an important role in the Robin Hood story.

  It was an important pre-Norman settlement guarding the River Trent, the gateway to the north of England. Followers of William the Conqueror arrived in 1068 to erect a fort here. In a later reincarnation, the fort saw supporters of Prince John surrender to Richard the Lionheart in 1194. Many other exploits occurred here —— notably Edward III's capture of Roger Mortimer and Queen Isabella, the assassins of Edward II. From Nottingham, Richard III marched out with his men to face defeat and his own death at Bosworth Field in 1485.

  With the arrival of the spinning jenny in 1768, Nottingham was launched into the forefront of the Industrial Revolution. It's still a center of industry and home base to many well-known British firms, turning out such products as John Player cigarettes, Boots pharmaceuticals, and Raleigh cycles.

  Nottingham doesn't have many attractions, but it's a young and vital city, and is very student-oriented thanks to its two large universities. Its Hockley neighborhood is as hip as anything this side of Manchester or London. A look at one of the alternative newspapers or magazines freely distributed around town can connect you with the city's constantly changing nightlife scene.

  诺丁汉位于英格兰中部,也是东米德兰 (East Midlands) 地区的首府。是英国仅次于伦敦的第二大贸易集散地。诺丁汉距离伦敦约200公里,处于英国的交通枢纽位置,所以这里的交通非常的便利,你能很轻易地前往三个机场(伯明翰机场、曼彻斯特机场以及东米德兰机场),同时诺丁汉还有通往英国各地的巴士服务。诺丁汉的公路以及铁路四通八达,乘坐火车只需要2个小时即可到达伦敦。诺丁汉市名店与餐厅林立,戏院、剧场、各式会社一应俱全,体育设施近在咫尺,并且拥有两支英国足球超级联赛的球队。在城市的北边是著名的山峰区国家公园。城市附近有许多游览胜地,如莎士比亚的家乡、华威的古老的城堡、剑桥和牛津、罗马遗址等。诺丁汉是一个友好的城市,并被推选为最适合学生学习的城市。此外,根据传说,曾于六百多年前在舍伍德森林(Sherwood Forest) 出没、劫富济贫的绿林好汉罗宾汉便和诺丁汉市有深远的关系。诺丁汉市的旅游景点包括诺丁汉城堡、博物馆、艺术馆,以及风光如画的郊外。

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