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[11-27 19:58:22]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  教研记录   阅读:8298
概要:项目名称初中英语组集体备课活动项目负责人 活动时间2013.11.3活动地点 活动主题Review of Units 1—5主讲人 参加对象 活动内容及进程主发言人做备课陈述:一、内容分析及单元设计:本单元为复习单元,涉及的话题很多,我们通过字谜游戏、听力活动、自由采访、调查、小组讨论等形式的活动,复习和巩固Units1—5的目标语言和关键词汇,达到提高学生听、说、读、写能力的目的。二、教学目标:1、 以谈论如何学习为话题,复习by doing sth.的表达。2、 以过去常常做某事为话题,复习used to句型。3、 以规矩、规则为话题,谈论学生的家庭生活。4、 以谈论假设的、想象的情况,复习条件状语从句。5、 以谈论物品是谁的和对周围的事情进行推断,复习情态动词。三、教学重点:Units 1—5的目标语言四、教学提示:利用多媒体,创设相关的情境进行教学,围绕1---5单元的教学目标设计一系列的活动,进行复习。五.教学设计(一)Read the clues and complete the










Review of Units 1—5












1、  以谈论如何学习为话题,复习by doing sth.的表达。

2、  以过去常常做某事为话题,复习used to句型。

3、  以规矩、规则为话题,谈论学生的家庭生活。

4、  以谈论假设的、想象的情况,复习条件状语从句。

5、  以谈论物品是谁的和对周围的事情进行推断,复习情态动词。

三、教学重点:Units 1—5的目标语言



(一)Read the clues and complete the crossword.

(二)1b 小组合作Choose words from the units 1-5 and write a clue for each word. Read the clues to your partner. He or she guesses the words.


A: What’s something you do before a test?

B: Is it study?

A: Yes, it is.

(三)Listen to the four conversations. Match the conversations with the correct pictures.

1. Talk about the pictures in 2a.

In picture 1: What can you see in the picture? Where are they? What are they talking about?

In picture 2: What’s the relationship(关系) between them? Is the woman very angry? Why?

In picture 3: What are they doing? What is the boy writing? Can you guess?

In picture 4: Where are they? What are their jobs?

2. Listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures.

3. Listen again. Follow the instruction next to the pictures.


1. Practice the conversations above with your partners.


A: What would you do if you saw a big bicycle accident?

B: If I saw a bicycle accident I would …

2. Write your answers to these questions. Then talk about them with your partner.


A: How do you study for a test?

B: By reading the textbook. How about you?

A: I usually study by looking at old tests.

3. 按要求完成句子,并和你的同伴讨论


A: I used to think I wouldn’t get taller.

B: You’re very tall now.

A: Yes, it makes me happy!

4. Write a list of things teenagers should be allowed to do. Compare your list with your partner’s and give reasons.

(1)______________________________  (2)____________________________

(3)_______________________________ (4)_____________________________

A: We should be allowed to design our school uniforms.

B: Why do you think so?

A: We should decide what we like to wear.

(五) 采访,根据表格填空,然后采访你的两个同学他们分别会怎么做,最后进行对话。


A: What would you do if you found a wallet?

B: I’d open it and look for a phone number.

A: Really? I’d give it to the police.

(六)Pair work

1. What do you think these pictures are? Write your ideas and discuss them with your partner.

A: It might be a man riding a horse.

B: I agree. But it could also be a …

2. Answer the questions and then ask your partner. Try to find out more information.

A: Have you ever been to another country?

B: Yes, I have.

A: I went to Vietnam last year.




(   )1. The most important thing I can _______ you is using English often.

A. speak         B. tell             C. talk            D. say

(   )2. Do you know if he ________ back in two hours?

A. will be come       B. comes        C. has been            D. will be

(   )3. What are you like? _________.

    A. I like funny and energetic things

    B. I’m funny and energetic

    C. I look like my funny and energetic father

    D. I feel energetic

(   )4. Another thing that he _________ very difficult was English grammar.

    A. finds          B. knows        C. found         D. learned

(   )5. It ________ me a lot of time _________ an English composition last time.

    A. takes, to write           B. spends, to write

    C. spent, writing           D. took, to write

(   )6. He ________ in the library for he called me from there a few minutes ago.

    A. should be         B. must be            C. would be         D. might be

(   )7. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please ________?

    A. turn it on        B. turn it down            C. turn it up         D. turn it off

(   )8. They don’t think it is good to have conversations with friends, because they always end  up the speaking in Chinese when they get something ________. 

    A. is exciting          B. with exciting         C. excited        D. exciting

(   )9. You should keep the window _________ because the room is so hot and damp. 

    A. open          B. closed        C. opened              D. close

(   )10. The old woman has two sons, but ________ of them lives with her.

    A. both           B. either         C. neither              D. none

(   )11. She often goes to bed with her bedroom _______.

    A. light on           B. on light          C. on lighting         D. lighted on

(   )12. It is not a good habit _________ in public places.

    A. chewing gum            B. to chew gum

    C. to chew gums           D. chew gums

(   )13. Lily, Don’t forget ________ your sister at the airport. The plane will ______ in an 


    A. meet, arrive        B. to meet, arrive

    C. meeting, get       D. meeting, reach

(   )14. Would you mind ________ smoking? _______, I’ll do it in a few days.

    A. to give up, Not at all         B. giving up, Of course

    C. giving up, It’s pleasure             D. giving up, Not at all

(   )15. Peter is never late for school, ______ he? ________. He always comes on time.

    A. is, Yes        B. isn’t, No            C. is, No        D. isn’t, Yes


get along    be fond of    pronounce    pretend   watch

come up with     exercise   used to be    speak   belong to

  1. We should learn how to _________ the English words correctly from our teachers.

  2. He know a little English, but few people can understand him if he uses ______ English.

  3. She finds _________ English language movies frustrating because the people speak too fast.

  4. There ________ a bus-stop at the corner of the street five years ago.

  5. Most of the boys in our class _________ playing soccer, aren’t they?

  6. There are lots of skirts on the chair. They can’t ________ the boy students.

  7. Don’t worry. I’m _____ well with my new classmates here.

  8. Mom often wakes Kate who __________ to be asleep.

  9. He who is running down the street could be running for ________.

  10. Li Hong is a confident boy. He always _________ good solutions to his friends’ problem.
















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