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[08-08 15:30:13]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  学位英语   阅读:8941
概要:why we work?People work for a great many reasons. Self-interest in its broadest sense, including the interest of one's family & friends, is an underlying motivation of work in all societies. However, self-interest is not simply the accumulation of wealth. For instance, even in some primitive tribes, a desire for approval, a sense of duty, a wish to conform to custom also contributes to economic activity.【外语@教www.xuehuiba.com】In other words, few activit

  why we work?

  People work for a great many reasons. Self-interest in its broadest sense, including the interest of one's family & friends, is an underlying motivation of work in all societies. However, self-interest is not simply the accumulation of wealth. For instance, even in some primitive tribes, a desire for approval, a sense of duty, a wish to conform to custom also contributes to economic activity.【外语@教www.xuehuiba.com】

  In other words, few activities seriously compete with work in providing basic life satisfaction. Work, in addition to its economic functions, structures time, provides a context in which to relate to other people, offers an escape from boredom, and sustains a sense of worth.

  In conclusion, a man's work is a major social device for his identification as an adult.



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