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Mullet 前短后长的发型

[10-16 11:24:00]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  情景英语会话   阅读:8565
概要:Do you like this hairstyle?英语发展日新月异,新词不断涌现。所以,与时俱进,掌握最新流行词汇至关重要。“地道英语”让你亲耳听到今天英国年轻人日常使用的语言和词汇,可下载音频,有文字对照。地道英语,真正地道!Jo: Hello, I'm Jo and this is Real English from BBC Learning English.Lily: Hello, I'm Lily. 我们的地道英语专门向大家介绍英式英语中最流行的词汇和成语,其中很多都是字典上查不到的。 Jo 今天我们要学习的新短语是什么?Jo: Yes, we're going to look at the word mullet M.U.L.L.E.T. mullet.Lily: 什么是 a mullet?Jo: It's actually a hairstyle.Lily: A hairstyle? What kind of hairstyle?Jo: Well, it
Mullet 前短后长的发型,标签:情景英语会话,英语口语情景会话,http://www.xuehuiba.com

  Do you like this hairstyle?


  Jo: Hello, I'm Jo and this is Real English from BBC Learning English.

  Lily: Hello, I'm Lily. 我们的地道英语专门向大家介绍英式英语中最流行的词汇和成语,其中很多都是字典上查不到的。 Jo 今天我们要学习的新短语是什么?

  Jo: Yes, we're going to look at the word mullet M.U.L.L.E.T. mullet.

  Lily: 什么是 a mullet?

  Jo: It's actually a hairstyle.

  Lily: A hairstyle? What kind of hairstyle?

  Jo: Well, it's a hairstyle from the 1980s. If you have a mullet you have long hair at the back but it will be short at the sides and on top.

  Lily: 这么说, a mullet 就是一种上短,侧短,后边长的特定发型。那么是不是男女都适用?

  Jo: They can but it was originally a man's hairstyle that was called a mullet.

  Lily: 这种发型仍然时髦吗?

  Jo: Not at all, no. People make lots of jokes about the mullet hairstyle. It was very fashionable in the 1980s though. Is there a Chinese word for this kind of hairstyle Lily?

  Lily: 好像没有。 Not that I know.

  Jo: Just to give you a better idea, let's listen to an example.


  A: These old photos are really embarrassing!

  B: Oh my god! Look at your hair on that one – great mullet!

  A: Yeah thanks…

  Lily: So Jo, I have to ask you, have you ever had a mullet?

  Jo: I'm embarrassed to say I have yes. When I was a teenager in the 1980s I had a great mullet – it was very short at the sides and on top and quite long at the back. Very, very embarrassing – I'm embarrassed just talking about it!

  Lily: 瞧,你都脸红了,越来越红!!! I wish I could see a photo!

  Jo: No, I won't be showing you any of those, thank you!! Oh look – it's the end of the programme!

  Lily: Jo, 别打岔, 我一定要找到一张你剪怪发型时候的照片!! Jo and a mullet!

  Jo: You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Bye for now.

  Lily: 再会!

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