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[08-08 13:35:21]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  少儿英语故事   阅读:8887
概要:HOW AH-3 GOT OUT OF THE WELL逃出井底的阿三Once there was a bad monk called Liaokong. He didn't act like a monk. He never did nice deeds or helped living creatures. He didn't look like a monk, either.Most monks do so many good deeds, and think so many nice thoughts, that they look kind and gentle. Not Liaokong. He always walked around with an expression on his face like a porcupine in a bad mood.从前有个心术不正的和尚,叫做了空。他的行止根本不像个和尚,从不做好事或者救助生命。大多数和尚都是正思正行的,看上去和蔼有礼



  Once there was a bad monk called Liaokong. He didn't act like a monk. He never did nice deeds or helped living creatures. He didn't look like a monk, either.Most monks do so many good deeds, and think so many nice thoughts, that they look kind and gentle. Not Liaokong. He always walked around with an expression on his face like a porcupine in a bad mood.


  He was interested in a member of the lily family called Deer Bamboo. Its formal name is HuangJing. It grows about three feet high, with pointed leaves. At the beginning of summer, pale green bulbs appear hanging below the leaves, and then it grows a dark colored fruit about the size of a bean. The leaves and root are sweet, and they say that Deer Bamboo can even lengthen your life.


  Really? This can make you live longer? That's what Liaokong wanted to know, but he didn't want to experiment on himself. He had a neighbor named Tang Ah-3, who had a number instead of a name. He was the dumbest guy around.


  Liaokong put a bunch of Deer Bamboo in the bottom of a dry well and called Ah-3 over.


  "Ah-3, I have to say you're a great guy and a true pal. I like you so much I'm going to tell you a secret. Look down this well here. See that Deer Bamboo down there? All you have to do is stay down there and sniff it and you can live forever."


  "Really? Gee, that's great! I'm lucky to have you for a friend? Ah-3 believed Liaokong, and he was so touched that he almost cried as he climbed into the well. Once he got inside, Liaokong fastened the cover on the well. When Ah-3 realized he was trapped, he did begin to cry.


  By sundown, the air in there was getting bad. Ah-3 thought, "If I don't get out of here pretty soon, I'll smother before I starve." But he couldn't get out. All he could do was cry.


  But then, between his sobs, he heard a voice calling him. "Ah-3! Ah-3! TangAh-3! Can you hear me?"


  "Who's that?" It was so dark he couldn't see a thing.


  "Don't worry! There's a little hole in this well cover. If you look carefully,you can see starlight through it. What you have to do now is lie down quietly and look through that hole. You have to concentrate, and keep concentrating. Then your whole body will fly up in the air and you can get out of the well."


  "Are you kidding? Who are you?"


  "I am a fox. Everybody knows foxes are full of tricks, and I am too, but once I got trapped and you freed me. Don't you remember?"


  "Oh, yeah, I do. Huh. Hey, I didn't know you could talk."


  "I don't unless I have to. You're in a terrible fix, so I've come to help you out, since you saved my life before. Now hush, no more chatting. Lie down and stare at that hole! Your life depends on it!"

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