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England advances to second round

[10-16 11:24:00]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  家长导读   阅读:8215
概要:Bet there are many fans of England's team here. Good news! 英格兰已经提前出线进入十六强!提前出线的另外两支球队是厄瓜多尔和德国。英格兰打败了特立尼达和多巴哥。在球赛最后的关键时刻,Peter Crouch and Steven Gerrard scored two goals for England. 两次进球都是David Beckham助攻哦!英格兰的胜利,球员的家属们和球迷们也功不可没。They really supported their team.
England advances to second round,标签:少儿英语,少儿英语学习,http://www.xuehuiba.com

  Bet there are many fans of England's team here. Good news! 英格兰已经提前出线进入十六强!提前出线的另外两支球队是厄瓜多尔和德国。

  英格兰打败了特立尼达和多巴哥。在球赛最后的关键时刻,Peter Crouch and Steven Gerrard scored two goals for England. 两次进球都是David Beckham助攻哦!

  英格兰的胜利,球员的家属们和球迷们也功不可没。They really supported their team.

Tag:家长导读少儿英语,少儿英语学习外语培训 外语学习 - 少儿英语 - 家长导读
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