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red roofs in the old city

[10-16 11:24:00]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  家长导读   阅读:8766
概要:很多很多红屋顶的房子排在一起,是不是很壮观?Ella saw many of these houses in Prague.She thought she was in a fairy world.这些红顶屋遍布于布拉格的老城区。Most of the houses are hundreds of years old.They tell the history of the city.有条河从布拉格城里流过,它就是伏尔塔瓦河。The river flows quickly and floods almost every year.洪水在建筑物上留下的水渍现在还能见到。Sometimes, floods severely damage some houses.可是,为什么这些房子现在还保持得很好呢?Because people spend a lot of time restoring them.They love these houses, and hope to keep them forever.总共有
red roofs in the old city,标签:少儿英语,少儿英语学习,http://www.xuehuiba.com


  是不是很壮观?Ella saw many of these houses in Prague.She thought she was in a fairy world.这些红顶屋遍布于布拉格的

  老城区。Most of the houses are hundreds of years old.They tell the history of the city.

  有条河从布拉格城里流过,它就是伏尔塔瓦河。The river flows quickly and floods almost every year.洪水在建筑物上留下的水渍现在还能见到。Sometimes, floods severely damage some houses.可是,为什么这些房子现在还保持得很好呢?

  Because people spend a lot of time restoring them.

  They love these houses, and hope to keep them forever.


  查理士大桥。The bridge has a history of more than 700 years.

  像北京的卢沟桥一样,查理士大桥也有很多雕像。They are not stone lions,

  but 30 stone people.据说这些雕像可以保护布拉格城。


  12 puppets come out to dance on time.上边的钟则用于月圆月缺。仔细研究一下,

  你能看明白吗?The clock was built in 1410.It is still working well now. 真是不容易啊!

  一觉醒来发现自己变成了蜘蛛是什么感觉?Luckily, it's not true.这只是著名捷克作家卡夫卡小说里的情节。The writer lived in Prague.他住过的这条街有个美丽的名字—黄金小巷。Many people visit this place all through the year.

  《鼹鼠的故事》是著名的捷克动画片。The mole is simple and friendly. It loves to help other animals.《鼹鼠的故事》创作于20世纪50年代。现在,它已经被译成了40多种语言。Children around the world love this cartoon.知道吗?小鼹鼠最爱说的话是:“Hello! Hello!”

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