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热词:黑市 black market

[10-16 11:24:00]   来源:http://www.xuehuiba.com  英语口语   阅读:8820
概要:据《北京晨报》6日报道,由于我国合法器官移植供体不足,尖锐的供需矛盾催生了“人体器官买卖中介”,导致“人体器官买卖黑市”猖獗。请看相关报道:The black organ market is so organized that it runs like an assembly line. The middlemen draw together a group of illegal donors, mostly male, offering food and board before ushering them through a series of medical examinations to kick out the unhealthy and the unprofitable, like those with AB blood, accounting only 5 percent of the general population.人体器官黑市的经营很有
热词:黑市 black market,标签:英语口语学习,英语口语练习,http://www.xuehuiba.com



  The black organ market is so organized that it runs like an assembly line. The middlemen draw together a group of illegal donors, mostly male, offering food and board before ushering them through a series of medical examinations to kick out the unhealthy and the unprofitable, like those with AB blood, accounting only 5 percent of the general population.


  在上面的报道中,black market就是“黑市”,黑市是未经政府批准而非法形成的,以交易不许上市的商品或以高于公开市场价的价格,秘密进行买卖为特征的市场。和black market相对的就是white market,也就是合法的交易市场。介于二者之间,销售上市的合法产品,但未得到产品生产者授权的市场则被称作gray market.在日常的使用中,前面未加任何修饰限定词的market均默认为正当合法的交易市场,并不需要特别用white market来表示。

  Black在这里的意思是“违反经济法规的”,例如black taxi(黑车)、black/underground economy(为逃税而隐瞒收入的地下经济,黑色经济)、black wages(黑市工资)。在政界中也存在这样的非法交易,这就是backroom politics(幕后政治活动)。不过并不是中文中的“黑”与“白”都可以直接用black和white来表达,例如“黑色收入”是illegal income,而“白色收入”则是legitimate income.

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